E-Verify and I-9 Training: The Time is Right
WSM Webinar: E-Verify and I-9 Training: The Time is Right
Hosted by Weaver Schlenger Mazel LLP
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
11:00am to 12:00pm PST
Worried your company may not receive enough H-1B visas in the Fiscal Year lottery this year? By enrolling in E-Verify your STEM employees holding F-1 post-completion optional practical training status can obtain 17 additional months of employment authorization.
The time is right to consider E-Verify. All signs are pointing to mandatory enrollment in E-Verify, the U.S. government’s internet system for verifying employees’ work authorization. In March 2015, the House Judiciary Sub-committee passed a bill that would require all U.S. employers to enroll over a 6 to 30 month period, depending on company size. All discussions of possible comprehensive immigration reform assume E-Verify will become mandatory.
Join WSM for a discussion of E-Verify, how to get your company ready for this likely impending requirement, and how to enroll now to take advantage of the STEM related additional work authorization for F-1s.
This webinar will also provide tips on how to correctly complete Form I-9, the Employment Eligibility Verification form that must be completed for all newly hired employees in the U.S. Most employers don’t even realize they are making errors or committing document abuse. Civil penalties for first-time offenses can range from $110 to $2,000 per I-9. Getting your company’s I-9 program in good condition is an important first step to enrolling in the E-Verify program.
To register, click here.
This program has been approved for 1 (General) recertification credit hour toward PHR, SPHR and GPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute.
This program has also been approved for CA MCLE credit (1 hour) by the State Bar of California. If you require CA MCLE credit, please email your state bar # to schau@wsmimmigration.com by 2:00pm on May 19, 2015.
Instructions for logging on will be provided a few days prior to the webinar.
See slides here.